11 gennaio – 6° Anniversario Guantánamo


“We do not condone torture. I have never ordered torture. I will never order torture.”
— George W. Bush
Torture and indefinite detention are shamefully un-American.
WEAR ORANGE January 11 and protest the shame that is Guantánamo Bay.
Join us in facebook.


JANUARY 11, 2008, is the six-year anniversary of the first arrival of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay.

On January 11, we are calling on everyone opposed to torture and indefinite detention to WEAR ORANGE to symbolize their sadness and disgust with the national shame that is Guantánamo Bay.

Download the CLOSE GUANTÁNAMO Toolkit now to find out how you can organize for January 11 at home, in your office, on campus, in your community, and online. Learn More About Guantánamo >>

vedi le attività in Italia di “U.S. Citizens for Peace & Justice”. Rome, Italy

11 gennaio ore 11 Ambasciata Usa, via Veneto, Roma


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